The truth of the matter is that with a fast growing population and the various competing demands on public funds, it is not possible for government at all levels to fully meet the needs of priority sectors such as health, education, housing and transportation to name just a few.
The private sector can step in but this usually means service provision is underpinned by full cost recovery or profit-taking with the result that uptake or usage is restricted to those who have adequate financial resources.
It has been said that the social sector, which is a term that broadly describes individuals and groups working with a charitable or nonprofit making objective,"will increasingly have to become active where government does not reach and where the forces of the market leave us with unwanted results. (Peter Eigen)"

Therefore, having regard to the critical role of nonprofits, NGOs and other charities, our presentation on Building a Career in the Social Sector, explains key terms and the prospects and opportunities that are available if you are interested in making a career out of making a difference!