Beginning in 2012, DIN has been organizing Talk Shows on financial subjects for secondary school students to mark Global Money Week (GMW). This international celebration reminds us that knowledge and practices about effective money management and financial well being should not be a matter strictly for adults but should also embrace children and youths.
This message is particularly relevant given the severe economic recession that Nigeria experienced from the first quarter of 2016 until fairly recently. Government and private incomes fell drastically, inflation increased, the Naira weakened in value against other foreign currencies and the result was a significant drop in consumer demand.
Although, we have officially exited recession, everyday basics still remain out of reach for many Nigerians as individual and household incomes have yet to fully recover.
Against this background, there is no doubt that having savings and being entrepreneurial can help to build resilience, that is, the ability to cope in the face of financial problems. That is why financial education is important and DIN has been in the forefront of campaigns to prioritize financial literacy in Nigeria by improving access to quality financial education across all ages and backgrounds.
The theme for GMW 2018 is "Money Matters Matter."
The Ozone Cinemas has been a strategic partner of the DIN Financial Literacy Talk Shows from inception.